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Dr. Patricia Ann Storck and Dr. Christopher Alan Parr – Perpetual Charitable Trust

Dr. Patricia Ann Storck and Dr. Christopher Alan Parr – Perpetual Charitable Trust
Dr. Patrica Ann Storck and Dr. Christopher Alan Parr

"The wife and I recently updated woefully antiquated wills, and, in the process, pondered how to dispose of our estate's assets. We were presented with options to donate now or later to our favorite charities, but we decided to reject such donations in favor of a perpetual donation via a trust lasting 300 years, the maximum permitted by law. The beneficiaries of the trust would receive annual gifts in years in which our investments beat inflation. That way the trust would maintain its value for the beneficiaries into the future.

1/3 of the excess above inflation will go, on our passing, to my Rotary Club Foundation, a charity of the Trustees' choice, and the Plano Symphony Orchestra, on whose Board I currently sit. The PSO is, at its heart, an educational institution. I sit too on its Education Committee which, among other activities, dispenses scholarships to underprivileged budding school-age musicians to receive private instruction. The wife and I were university teachers and deans at UT Dallas, and so we are predisposed to reward educational charities with the fruits of our investments.

And the PSO's educational outreach extends far beyond music scholarships. It also hosts thousands of grammar school children in concerts built around the lessons they are currently studying in class. The organization of such events is so massive that the efforts of PSO's Education Director, Jennifer Wheeler, are being supplemented by a new assistant hire. They also arrange for musicians to make class visits to instruct and play.

But every note the orchestra plays is an education in music appreciation to all its patrons. So that's why we say that education is at the heart of the PSO. And that is why we intend to fund it in perpetuity."

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